2022-23 Launches With Hope

By Andrea Wenger, director of advancement

“Community” is our Chapel and Gathering theme this year which began August 16 with 383 students: 106 in grades K to 5; 118 in 6 to 8; and 159 in 9 to 12.

  • 53 faith communities are represented, including Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, and multi-faith, and some with no affiliation
  • 21% identify as various races and ethnicities which are not white
  • 20% qualify for the Free and Reduced Lunch Program
  • 27% receive needs-based tuition assistance
  • 71% receive tuition support as discounts, scholarships, or other aid
  • 100% benefit from donor support which makes the school possible

Jared Stutzman called faculty, staff and students to notice circles as he led opening music at the faculty/staff conference and the first chapel. “A circle is a beautiful thing… when you are inside it,” he said.. “…but it can really hurt if you are outside of the circle.”

Stay in touch as we learn about community – watch Chapel live or search for “Eastern Mennonite School Chapel” on YouTube.

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