Believing Boldly

By Paul Leaman, Ph.D., Head of School

After hearing the results of our feasibility report from consultant Rebekah Basinger in October, the EMS Board of Directors excitedly and unanimously com- mitted to support Let the Children Come! Elementary school faculty are now stepping forward with sacrificial pledges to encourage 100% participation among all faculty and staff. We believe boldly in the importance of LTCC and aim for 100% participation by those of us closest to EMS. By the end of December we expect to know the level of support these groups can provide toward our vision of a K-12 campus.

Capital projects happen when people believe and give toward purposes greater than themselves. The vision for Let the Children Come provides smart, sustainable options for the mission of EMS into our second century of Christian education. From January through March we will ask people to believe boldly in our mission and contribute leadership pledges to be given over the next 5 years. From March through September, we will call on all people associated with EMS to join hands to benefit the students of tomorrow with the gift of quality K-12 Christian education.

As our students grow into adulthood they, like you, will become significant contributors within their respective communities. We want them to know, and always remember, that opportunities at EMS only exist because people believe in them and the importance of Christian education. We are exploring creative ways to display names of all participants contributing to the Let the Children Come campaign. Please be in prayer and consider linking arms with us to provide permanence for our elementary school as part of an upgraded K-12 campus. Future generations need us!

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