Endowment funds provide long-term support for Eastern Mennonite School. This happens when the school accesses earnings from endowed funds that total more than $10,000. These funds are used to achieve the purpose of the established endowment.
Current endowments. Gifts to support existing funds (EMS has nearly 100!) are welcome at any time, or can be part of a planned gift. To make a gift now, simply send your donation to the address in the footer, ATTN: Development, with a note for which fund you'd like to support.
Future endowments. If you are would like to explore starting a new endowment in honor of someone or for a specific purpose, contact us to learn more about the process.
We would be happy to discuss your charitable giving goals to see how your planned gift might take the fund to a new level and multiply the gift over the long term.

Pictured right: (l-r) Abby Garber ’23, Nancy Bok ’23, Joelle Blosser ’22, and Anna Miller ’23 created a thank you banner to share appreciation with our donors!
Highlighted endowed funds
En EMS Alumni Endowment Fund combined general class endowments into
one fund to support financial aid. This approach strengthens the earning potential for class endowments.
The combined fund balance was at $325,000 as of June 30, 2021. See what your class giving for all programs and funds looked like last year aquí.

Lee Eshleman Memorial Fund The class of ’81 established this fund in honor of their classmate, an actor, artist, comedian and friend, who died in 2007. He is remembered as a person of wit, humor, sincerity, and passion. He challenged and inspired thousands by sharing the story of God in creative and compelling ways. The fund provides financial aid to students with a passion for visual and performing arts. Learn more about theater at EMS.

En Multicultural Scholarship Fund was established in 2020 when Chuck Hostetter '71 provided a seed gift that EMS joined with an existing fund, The existing fund had been established in the 1990s by a fellow classmate to support Laotian immigrant students. Together, the gifts allowed EMS to establish the Fund which provides financial aid for students who have been underrepresented at our school historically and today. Read more.
En Elmer Kennel and Edith Charles Anabaptist Endowed Fund was established in 2000 to stimulate an interest in Mennonite-Anabaptist history among young people. Read more.
El evento Kennel and Charles de 2024 contó con un Panelista de pacificadores (en la foto) explorando lo que significó para ellos personalmente vivir los valores de la no violencia y la paz.
En Susan and Phil Guengerich Learning Support Scholarship was established to provide an ongoing scholarship for students with financial and learning support needs. The endowment honors the contribution of Susan H. Guengerich, who served EMS in various capacities from 1978 until retirement in 2014. She valued each student’s giftedness, and advocated for students who benefited from academic support and mentoring.

Eastern Mennonite School’s Endowment funds generally fall into one of the following categories:
- Facility and Grounds Endowments provide funds for ongoing maintenance, repair and replacement of the School’s facilities and equipment.
- Scholarship & Financial Aid Endowments support the School’s mission by making it possible for students with demonstrated financial need to attend EMS and by supporting the admissions of students who strengthen the School’s diversity.
- General Endowments provide funding which the Board of Directors can commit for use where needed most.
- Program Endowments enhance designated academic or services areas of the School.

If you'd like to learn more about endowments or planned gifts, please contact our development staff.