For the 2024-25 school year:  Applications are open for grades K and 6-12. We are grateful for the strong interest in our school. Unfortunately, our elementary admissions pools are full for grades 1-5 for next year. If your student will enter these elementary grades, please complete our inquiry form so we can update on you future elementary openings!

¡Estamos emocionados de que esté listo para solicitar la admisión a Eastern Mennonite School!

Completar una solicitud es el primer paso después de haber explorado nuestro sitio web, quizás visitado y decidido que le gustaría ser considerado para la admisión a la escuela.

Consulte el cronograma a continuación para obtener información sobre los plazos, las tarifas y el procesamiento.

Solicitantes internacionales: encuentre información específica para estudiantes internacionales aquí. Comuníquese con Abigail Cook, admissions counselor, with questions as you apply.

Domestic applicants: Una vez que haya revisado el contenido a continuación, comuníquese con Abigail Cook, consejera de admisiones, si tiene preguntas mientras presenta la solicitud.

Although our elementary school is full with wait pools for all grades, we invite you to complete the inquiry form so we can inform you of openings as we plan for future expansion. Registering your interest provides valuable information as we consider growth opportunities as a school.

Comuníquese con Chris Eberly, Business Office Manager, with questions about matrícula y financiamiento.

How to Apply

Click Here to create an account and begin your student's application.

After submitting the application form, you will return to your admissions portal to:

  • complete the application checklist. Items required for admission vary by grade level.
  • track your student's admission status.
  • print the completed application(s)
  • monitor when we receive supplemental admissions documents.
  • access supplemental forms, if needed.
Anna Haarer and 8th grade students prepare snacks for elementary students as part of Community Service Day.

Admissions Timeline

November 1 - February 15: Early application period

  • $50 application fee is waived. International application fee is $250.
  • Best time to secure a space in classrooms that may fill to capacity.
  • February 1 -- FACTS tuition assistance applications open.
  • Admissions committee will be reviewing applications in mid-February.

February 15 - April 30: Regular application period

  • Application fee of $50. International application fee is $250.
  • Admission decision within three weeks of file completion.
  • March 15 -- FACTS (financial aid) application deadline to guarantee aid, provided your family meets eligibility guidelines. Applications received after March 15 will be considered as funds are available.

May 1 - Summer: Summer application period

  • Application fee of $50. International application fee is $250.
  • Applications remain open; however, admissions process can be slow -- parent help is crucial for timely processing.
  • Admission is offered as space allows.
  • FACTS tuition assistance applications will be considered if funds are available.