Board of Directors
Amy Mumbauer, Acting Chair
Amy is a physical therapist at Augusta Health and serves on the board’s personnel committee and works with the ad hoc education and student life committee. Amy attends Springdale Mennonite, is married to Steve, a pediatrician, and is mother to two daughters, one an EMS alumnus and one a current student.
Loren Swartzendruber, Acting Chair
Loren retired in 2016 after 35 years of involvement in Mennonite education. He began his professional career as a pastor, served as associate executive secretary of the former Mennonite Board of Education, president of Hesston College, and president of Eastern Mennonite University. He and Pat were classmates at Iowa Mennonite School (Hillcrest Academy), and he holds a B.S. from EMU, M.Div. from Eastern Mennonite Seminary, and a D.Min. from Northern Seminary. Loren and Pat are pleased to have two grandchildren enrolled at EMS. Loren is passionate about addressing climate change and works part-time with Secure Solar Futures, doing business development for commercial-scale solar projects.
Kristin Ellen Fink, Treasurer
Kristin is a Professor of Finance at James Madison University. Her teaching and research interests are broadly in the areas of investments and applied mathematical finance. She and her family attend Blessed Sacrament in Harrisonburg. She has three children currently attending EMS, and her oldest is a recent graduate.
Shannon W. Dycus, Secretary
Shannon is the Dean of Students at Eastern Mennonite University, continuing a career in pastoring and education across learning communities and ministry settings. She is married to Greg and they share two sons, in elementary and middle school.
David Berry
David is Associate Professor of Music and Director of the Eastern Mennonite University Music Department. He also serves as Artistic Director of the Shenandoah Valley Bach Festival and earned his doctor of musical arts degree from The Juilliard School. David attends Divine Unity Community Church in Harrisonburg and is father to two EMS students.
Nathaniel Fairfield '97
Nathaniel Fairfield is a roboticist and small-scale sheep farmer, and was one of the founders of Waymo (formerly Google's self-driving car project). He received a PhD from the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. Before that, he worked at Bluefin Robotics, making robots that map the ocean floor. Nathaniel attends Park View Mennonite Church with his spouse Miriam and has three children, two of whom currently attend EMS.
Susan Godshall
Susan, together with her husband Stan, has dedicated much of her life to medical and mission work in the United States and Africa. Susan has served in administration, human resources, and fund-raising roles, taught Spanish and English as a Second Language, served as a chaplain, and raised three children. Her granddaughter attends EMS.
Kathleen Graves
Kathleen Graves is the Compliance Manager at Graves Light Lenhart Wealth, Inc. She and her husband, Asa, share two children. One is a current high school student at EMS and the other is a recent graduate. She has served in a variety of roles with the PTF (Parent Teacher Fellowship) since her children were in elementary school and continues to do so.
Debra King
Debra is passionate about finding ways for individuals to work together as well-balanced teams. She believes the talents, experiences and collective wisdom of each member furthers the mission of the whole. She served as General Manager at Gift & Thrift and worked in education at Lancaster Mennonite School. She has an MBA, and a bachelor's degree, from Eastern Mennonite University, and currently works for Mennonite Central Committee as the National Thrift Shop Development Coordinator.
Lana Miller
Lana is a stewardship consultant at Everence Financial, an ordained pastor in MC USA, and serves on the board’s finance committee. Lana attends Community Mennonite Church, is married to Andy, and is the mother to two children (elementary and middle school age). She cares deeply about Mennonite education and is a graduate of Mennonite educational institutions which have formed and shaped her.
Melody Pannell
Melody became interested in addressing social disparities, health inequities and public policies growing up in Harlem, NY. She received her Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work from Eastern Mennonite University and also holds a MSW and M.Div. Melody recently completed her Doctor of Ministry in Womanist Preaching at Memphis Theological Seminary. Melody serves as the Inaugural Director of Diversity and Community Engagement at UVA Health in Charlottesville. She is a member of the Dayton Town Council and has worked in education at Virginia Union University and Eastern Mennonite University. Melody founded Destiny's Daughters Inc., a Therapeutic Christian Mentoring Program dedicated to young women and girls.
Scott P. Rogers
Scott is an Associate Broker with Funkhouser Real Estate Group and operates and online. He serves on the board's advancement committee and enjoys coaching the school's middle school volleyball team. Scott attends Asbury United Methodist Church, is married to Shaena, and is father to two EMS students.
Kendal Swartzentruber
Kendal is an Education Coordinator at Virginia Department of Education's Center at James Madison University. Drawing on his work as a special educator, he now focuses on topics of self-determination, motivation and student engagement. As a co-state coordinator of the I’m Determined Project, Kendal is responsive to promoting environments that increase youth voice and advocacy into educational policy and practice. He has two daughters at EMS. Interests include his family, gardening, beekeeping, and many outdoor activities.
Andrew Zapanta '93
Andrew is an outsourced controller for Hantzmon Wiebel, LLP in Charlottesville, Virginia. He also serves on EMS's Finance Committee. Along with his two older brothers, Mark ('87) and Philip ('92), a Zapanta presence existed at Eastern Mennonite School for 10 straight years. Andrew has served in accounting, finance and internal audit roles in his career. He has also served on nonprofit boards and committees during his career and has volunteered his professional skills both domestically and in Haiti, Honduras, and Kenya. Andrew, his wife Heidi and their daughter attend Christ Community Church. Andrew previously served on the EMS Alumni Board, and his honored to serve again at his alma mater.