The Gathering Space

Help furnish the Gathering Space!

A "Family Room" for the EMS community.

  • furnish the gathering space with tables, chairs, and audio visual equipment for lunch, events, and special meals
  • stock the serving kitchen with a refrigerator, serving station, and rolling carts for lunch time
  • purchase outdoor furniture to extend the classroom and learning outside!

Color Fun Run! Saturday, October 19

  • Join us for a color fun run for all ages. The color fun run will help fund the parent-led campaign to furnish the gathering space! Registration link coming soon.

The Gathering Space

This dedicated age-appropriate addition for K-5 gathering will enhance learning, foster connection, and support emotional and social well-being. Thanks to the generosity of over 200 donors, we have finished designs with the Gaines Group Architects, signed a contract with Herr & Co., and are starting construction!

We can't wait to gather together in this space to:

  • celebrate during weekly gatherings where we sing, pray, and learn about Jesus. Share lunch, holidays, and special meals. Enjoy the annual Dessert Theater.
  • serve by collecting donations, knotting comforters, and create gifts. Host friends and guests. Support our school during the annual Book Fair. Offer the community a space for facility rentals.
  • learn to read together, see each others’ science projects, and sign our annual peace pledge. For teacher/parent meetings, activities with students from the upper school, 1:1 tutoring, and parent planning meetings. Play during after school care, PE, and indoor-outdoor events.

A "Family Room"

Our elementary school is thriving in our beautiful home. And yet, it is missing a "family room," a space large enough for the whole school community to come together. The Gathering Space -- an indoor/outdoor learning facility -- will fill that need.

Gathering is the “heart” of EMES. Coming together is key to our curriculum and school philosophy. It nurtures cross-grade relationships, builds trust, creates leadership opportunities, and enables us to care for one another.

The History

In December 2019, Eastern Mennonite Elementary School moved into a building adjacent to the school's upper building for grades 6-12. The beautifully renovated building is the elementary program's first dedicated and intentionally designed space since it opened in 2005!

Get Involved

Contact us to request updates, ask questions, or discuss how to get involved. Or make a cash gift today to help furnish the space! You can also learn about the many ways to give to EMS.

Paul Leaman

Paul Leaman
Head of School


Trisha Blosser
Development Officer

   Furnishing Goal

Gifts still welcome!

A generous alumni couple offered a $1 million challenge toward the construction of the Gathering Space and an endowed building fund.  Donors responded with matching gifts. Over $2.2 million has been contributed for this project as of May 2024!

Given the rising costs of construction, we still welcome gifts for this project (and for the furnishing campaign).

EMES students gather in the upper building auditorium foyer to hear guest Dr. Jerry Holsopple discuss his artwork
EMES students gather in the upper building auditorium foyer to hear guest Dr. Jerry Holsopple discuss his artwork