Class Gifts
Each year since the first graduating class of Eastern Mennonite High School in 1921, the senior class has collected donations from class members to provide the school with a gift for future generations to enjoy.
2023 -- Chess set and furniture for the library classroom
2022 -- Electric car chargers
2021 -- Outdoor furniture, picnic tables
2020 -- Picnic tables
2019 -- Money towards EMES bridge
2018 -- Gym signage
2017 -- Blue Adirondack chairs
2016 -- Scrim (curtain) for stage
2015 -- Water bottle filling stations
2014 -- NIV Bibles and racks for auditorium
2013 -- Weight room equipment
2012 -- Mission statement banner for auditorium
2011 -- Interior renovations for the main entrance
2010 -- Completion of auditorium patio with accessories
2009 -- Paint for the gymnasium renovation
2008 -- Camera for publications
2007 -- Outdoor improvements
2006 -- Improvements for the EMHS Courtyard
2005 -- Equipment for the new student lounge
2004 -- New auditorium curtains
2003 -- Updates for the media center
2002 -- Digital video equipment
2001 -- Sound system for auditorium
2000 -- Equipment for the new publications room
1999 -- Landscaping for athletic fields
1998 -- Upgrade sound system in auditorium
1997 -- Marquee to announce school events
1996 -- Exterior door patio for art room
1995 -- Exterior door patio for art room
1994 -- Stained glass artwork
1993 -- Instructional aids for academic departments
1992 -- CD player, Endowment
1991 -- Camcorder, synthesizer, CD player
1990 -- Dining hall PA system, curriculum endowment
1989 -- Dining hall PA system
1988 -- Portable stage for dining hall
1987 -- Departmental Equipment and Curriculum Endowment
1986 -- Weight training equipment
1985 -- Whirlpool for athletics
1984 -- Drama lighting control panel
1983 -- Equalizer, PA system for auditorium
1982 -- Human skeleton, computer monitor, calculator
1981 -- Drama lights
1980 -- Library furniture, books
1979 -- Sound shells
1978 -- Microwave oven, sewing machine
1977 -- Planter
1976 -- Table saw
1975 -- Spotlight: drama department
1974 -- High Aim Scholarship
1973 -- Video tape recorder
1972 -- Industrial arts, art equipment
1971 -- Campus plantings
1970 -- Classroom clocks
1969 -- Mennonite Hymnals
1968 -- Yamaha piano, metronome
1967 -- Hall clocks, home economics cabinets
1966 -- Chorus and graduation robes
1965 -- Chorus and graduation robes
1964 -- Painting, draperies for new building
1963 -- Curtains, furnishings for auditorium
1962 -- Yamaha piano, murals
1961 -- Bleachers for gym
1960 -- Library furniture
1959 -- Library furniture
1958 -- Bleachers for gym
1957 -- Kitchen equipment for cabin
1956 -- Campus chimes
1955 -- Scoreboard clock
1954 -- WEMC equipment
1953 -- Telescope for observatory
1952 -- Shrubbery, trees for north lawn
1951 -- Balustrade (railing) for North Lawn
1950 -- Cabin in Park Woods
1949 -- Surfacing tennis courts
1948 -- Title: Administration Building
1947 -- Fireplace, sidewalk, shrubbery
1946 -- Cabin in Park Woods
1945 -- Telescope for observatory
1944 -- Sidewalk near auditorium
1943 -- Steps, porch of auditorium
1942 -- Retaining wall at chapel auditorium
1941 -- Fence around tennis courts
1940 -- Trees, shrubbery on the hill
1939 -- Arbors, shrubbery, and sidewalks
1938 -- Vesper Heights Observatory
1937 -- Moveable furniture for the library
1936 -- Curbing, sidewalk, and pictures
1935 -- Electric clock and campus bell system
1934 -- Stone steps to the hill
1933 -- Stone curving
1932 -- Campus sidewalk
1931 -- Campus sidewalk
1930 -- Arbors, birdbaths
1929 -- Pillars and lamps at campus entrance
1928 -- Campus sidewalk
1927 -- Aquarium on front campus
1926 -- Campus sidewalk
1925 -- Stone steps in front of campus
1924 -- Sidewalk to auditorium, upper level
1923 -- Picture “The Return From Calvary”
1922 -- Chairs in Room C
1921 -- Teacher’s desks