Ten EMS Students Join Model UN

Ten Eastern Mennonite High School students joined hundreds of students from across the country and around the world for the North American Invitational Model United Nations program at the Washington (DC) Hilton, February 13 through 16.
The Model UN program is an educational simulation in which students learn about diplomacy, international relations, and the United Nations. Participants complete simulations ranging from UN committees, such as the General Assembly and the Security Council, to crisis simulations of various regional organizations, national cabinets, corporate boards, and political organizations.
EMS participants were Phil Diener ’22, Abby Garber ’23, Garrett Gregory ’21, Liam Hughes ’22, Rahel Lema ’21, Emma Myers ’21, Sidney Rhodes ’22, Silas Roth-Sawatzky ’22, ‘Jonathan Showalter ’22 and Elijah Spicher ’22.
They joined students joined four different committees: two ECOSOCs (economic and social councils) and two general assemblies.
“Garret and I represented the nation of Armenia Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC), where we discussed the importance of transnational organization crime,” reported Liam Hughes. DISEC is one of several large general assemblies (large committees) at the conference. “General assemblies generally contain the most delegations, with DISEC having over 150 nations represented,” Liam explained.
“Garrett and I enjoyed meeting many new people in such a large environment, and learning to work with others to advance the consensus of our committee. We especially recall how closely we related with our fellow delegates.”
On Friday morning, the EMS group got a bonus activity, a tour of the Malaysian Embassy.
Chaperones were Shannon Roth, government teacher, and Joy Myers, parent volunteer coordinator.