Homecoming 2023: Honoring years 3 and 8
October 24, 2023 /
Christine Coddington

Come to connect booklet and Hymn "Bless'd by the tie that binds" sang at reunion breakfast
EMS homecoming weekend 2023 was an opportunity to come “home” and celebrate the connections we cherish. Homecoming weekend is testament to our deep-rooted traditions and the spirit that unites us. Many gathered for picnics, alumni reunions, athletic games and a concert highlighting the music department. Alumni, friends, and current families came to connect! Homecoming offered a place with warm acceptance, place to belong, and spaces where we can thrive. Within our EMS community, we may come and go, but our legacy endures!
- Homecoming concert- Lilianna Stoltzfus and Lewis Yoder
- Homecoming concert
- Homecoming Concert, Willem Kishbaugh
- EMES Gathering Space coming Soon
- Class of 1958
- Class of 1973
- Hannah DePoy enjoying conversation at alumni breakfast
- Alumni sharing stories. David Wingfield, Steve Wingfield, Leo Heatwold
- Former EMHS choral director Marvin Miller leading the hymn, after reminding everyone to “sit tall”
- Dave Mumaw sharing his alumni story
- Birdhouse presented to alumni Dave Mumaw, ’58
- Peace bowl presented to alumni, Hannah DePoy
- EMHS Trio from class of 1998, playing rock paper scissors to see who would choose first from gifts.
- Trisha Blosser presenting alumni gifts
- Reunion Breakfast
- Alumni Breakfast Buffet
- Alumni gifts – one “bomb” reads “Do justice, love mercy, walk humbly.” Made by Herb Weaver
- Come to connect booklet and Hymn “Bless’d by the tie that binds” sang at reunion breakfast
- Reunion Breakfast
- Reunion Breakfast
- Alumni Volleyball Game
- Dan Steller’s 1998 EMHS letterman Jacket
- Homecoming varsity soccer game
- Homecoming concert – Jazz band
- Homecoming concert – Strings
- Homecoming concert – orchestra
- homecoming concert – Middle school Choral
- Doctor Kenneth Heatwole class of 1943 and his son
- Senior Recognition – Soccer game
- Senior soccer player – Tyler Shank
- EMES students enjoying face painting at the Picnic
- delicious cinnamon rolls served at alumni breakfast
- Homecoming picnic