Fan the Flames Auction Success

“Such an incredible experience!”
“I laughed so hard that my cheeks were sore!”
“I’m already making plans to attend next year.”
These were just a few of the enthusiastic remarks heard around the soccer field on Saturday following the highly successful Fan the Flames Auction Event held on Friday evening. This elegant gathering aimed to raise funds for the Flames Fund.
The proceeds from the auctions are vital in supporting our overarching vision and mission, benefiting our entire K-12 Learning Community. The funds will be allocated to the areas where they are needed most.
Future donors to the Flames Fund will also have the chance to choose one of the following impactful areas that resonate with their inspirations:
- Enhancing student experience and access
- Encouraging educator excellence
- Improving campus facilities
- Upholding core values that build a better world
Discover more about the Flames Fund at:
During the evening, guests were invited to write or share what fuels their inspiration at EMS. Here are just a few of the responses.
“My hope is that EMS will continue to be both Anabaptist and welcoming to all!” DP
“I am inspired by the learning and friendships my children are cultivating.” JC
“I hope EMS will be a place of transformative growth at personal, social, and spiritual levels- where they become like Christ and are stimulated cognitively, effectively, spiritually and behaviorally.” SP
“I am inspired by EMS’ ongoing commitment to “Pitch a big tent” when it shapes its educational community. That is so desperately needed in this polarized and isolated age we live in.” PK
The event was a remarkable success, bringing in over $40,000 for the Flames Fund, from our auctions (live, silent, and online), sponsors, and the event. We are filled with gratitude.
A heartfelt thank you to our generous donors, supporters, and sponsors. You have made this an unforgettable event, and we eagerly look forward to planning and attending next year!