Other Ways to Give
Support EMS at No Cost!
Support EMS when you patronize the following businesses and sign up for their giving program:
- Buying groceries at Kroger
- Using an ink jet or laser printer at home
- Sourcing your heating fuel from AmeriGas
- ...and many others - see the full list below!

Staples Ink/Toner Recycling
Benefits: EMS K-12 Technology, Furniture & Office Supplies
Bring your empty ink & toner cartridges to the EMS main campus office and place them in the labeled bin. EMS can recycle up to 20 cartridges per month, and will receive $2 in Staples Rewards dollars for each cartridge recycled. See https://www.staples.com/sbd/cre/products/131110/31729 for more information.

Office Depot/OfficeMax Give Back to Schools
Benefits: EMS K-12 Technology, Furniture & Office Supplies
Shop at Office Depot or OfficeMax (in stores or online), and designate Eastern Mennonite School as your school to support. OD/OM will receive a 5% credit toward a future purchase of technology or office supplies. Use 70103918 as the School ID. See Give Back to Schools | office depot for more information.

AmeriGas School Days
Benefits: EMS K-12 Technology
Save your AmeriGas receipts and bring them to the EMES or main campus office to deposit in the School Days Receipt Box. AmeriGas will total the gallons on the receipts and pay EMS $0.02 per gallon, up to a maximum of $2,000 per year! See https://www.amerigas.com/amerigas-in-the-community for more information.

Scrip Gift Cards
Benefits: EMES K-5
Order gift cards at face value to use at the places you regularly shop, or as gifts. EMES will receive a percentage of the the value of each card purchased (varies by merchant). See https://www.shopwithscrip.com/Learn#what-is-scrip for more information.

Box Tops for Education
Benefits: EMS K-12, Goal - 7000 Box Tops.
Cut out the Box Top label from hundreds of products (many that don’t have boxes!) and drop them off in either EMES or main campus offices. EMES will receive $0.10 for each label collected. See https://www.boxtops4education.com/s/how-to-earn for more information.

Kroger Plus Card for Education
Benefits: EMS K-12
Register at Customer Service Desk or online. EMS earned points count toward percentage of Kroger’s distribution.
Shopper BarCode Registration: krogercommunityrewards.com
Organization number: 80518
Point Accrual Begins: September 1, 2016
Point Accrual Ends: August 31, 2017

EcoPhones Recycling Fundraiser
Benefits: EMS K-12 Technology
Bring your used cell phones, tablets, and MP3 players to the EMS main campus office. EMS will send these items to be recycled and receive funding in return. See https://www.recyclingfundraiser.com/Faq.aspx for more information.

Support Program: Everence MyNeighbor
Benefits: EMS K-12
The MyNeighbor credit card program by Everence generates donations each time you use the personal or business credit card. EMS will receive 1.5% of every purchase you make with the card. See https://www.everence.com/myneighbor to apply or for more information.