IMAGINE Online Auction to Run Nov. 8 to 15

By Andrea Wenger
Imagine a world where children of all ages live and model messages of peace, hope and reconciliation.
Where does this start? In a school where students explore their gifts, develop skills, play, sing, worship, and learn together. Your support through the IMAGINE Online auction helps to make this possible for students of all levels at Eastern Mennonite School, K-12.
Auction Highlights
Participants can bid on a Tanzanian meal for eight, pure maple syrup from New York, and homemade Christmas treats.
Long-term traditional offerings include prime parking and choice seating for 2018 EMHS commencement.
You can also donate for two specific projects:
Raise the Roof! — a solarized roof replacement on the 1964 original building for middle and high school.
Build a Bridge — a bridge that will connect the new elementary school with the middle and high school building.
Items are being added daily, keep checking.
Join the IMAGINE Online Auction!
1. REGISTER here to create an account on our secure Donor Portal.
2. ATTEND the onsite kick-off and preview at the school: Thursday, Nov. 8 , 7 to 8 p.m.
3. VIEW the auction here. Bidding opens Thursday Nov. 8 @ 7 p.m. and closes Thursday Nov. 15 @ 9 p.m.
Contact Erin Kennedy Hess at 540-236-6025 or